With many engaged and motivated developers from Purdue University, the Blue IronHacks awards ceremony came to a great conclusion! With a problem that challenged the students to create a mashup that could help West Lafayette citizens in choosing optimal housing based on a number of criteria, the competition was tough but we witnessed a lot of great solutions. Those that really stood out won great prizes in the form of Amazon gift cards and lots of Socrata and RedHat swag! The winners are as follows:

  1. Best Solution: Qing Wei
  2. Greatest Improvement and Winning Spirit: En-Hsin Peng
  3. Greatest Community Spirit: Gaoping Huang

Winners were greeted by Chris Metcalf, Director of Developer Experience at Socrata, to whom the winners will be presenting their mashups in order to compete for an internship at Socrata. You can watch the video from Chris here. With such great solutions, we look forward to seeing more of the same from our Boilermakers out there whose hearts beat for developing useful applications for the general public good. Look out for upcoming IronHacks next semester and good luck on finals! -Team IronHack


My research interests include distributed digital innovation, AI, crowdsourcing, and open source software
