
Music Challenge for Social Change

The Tipping Point Community Platform for a “Music for Social Change” Challenge Powered by RCODI IronHacks Why do we need it? Science has shown that music can bond people together and motivate them to act collectively.

Reinforcement Learning

How would you teach a child to play a video game? You might sit down with them, put the controller in their hands, and push buttons with them. You might do the first level with them, and have them copy what you do until they get it down exactly right.

Transparency in Open Data Contest

This study measures the degree of innovation performance transparency and solution transparency to determine the effect of transparency on participation and innovation. Transparency in Open Data Contest Primary Research Questions:

Open Source Software practices

The study aims to understand how Open Source Software practices are evolving by focusing on studying a prominent community ‘OpenStack’ that is effectively using the latest practices. Modeling Complex Open Source Software Structures as Networks Reflecting the commitment to foster and build Open Source Software practices, Red Hat Inc.

Purdue IronHacks

IronHacks is an open data hacking program that empowers programmers - from beginners to professionals - to solve civic challenges during a multi-phase and learning-oriented process. The IronHacks platform offers participants a no-set-up programming environment and many powerful features to create novel and useful models and visualizations that help citizens and governments to make better decisions.